price of your health
The Price of your Health

The Price of your Health

Living with a homeopath and with kids with severe allergies health is a big topic for us.  Since we discovered that our kids have anaphylactic allergies we've worked very hard to build their immune system so they have the best possible chance to handle any allergic...

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[singlepic id=8 w=114 h=171 float=left]Murphy Strikes! Firstly, a deep apology to all our readers for the outage we recently had. We underwent an upgrade which went horribly wrong and forced me to rebuild the site again. Because of the rebuild we changed a few...

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Toxins, toxins, toxin…

Toxins, toxins, toxin…

When you think about it our bodies being hit by a barrage of toxins every single moment of our lives, one must wonder how we manage to keep ourselves going. Sorry, did you say, toxins? what toxins? I eat healthy, my house is clean, I live in nice clean suburb, my...

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